The mission of the Randallstown National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Unit is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of minority citizens of Baltimore County and throughout the United States by removing barriers of racial discrimination through democratic processes and promoting productive and socially responsible citizens who lead fulfilling lives and make positive contributions to society.

Welcome to the Randallstown Branch #7032 of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). During decades of service to the Baltimore County community and beyond, we have provided advice, advocacy, resources, forums, and educational materials. The role of the NAACP, since its inception, has been to give a voice for the voiceless by championing causes that confront systemic racism to ensure equal rights for America’s citizens of color. When citizens of color win, we all win.
The Randallstown NAACP continues to push for all black and brown as well as other minority children to receive a world class education. Minorities comprise over 55 percent of the population in Baltimore County Public Schools, with African American as the majority minority. In addition, Baltimore County has the most rapidly growing student poverty rate of any large school district in the state. We must meet the challenges that confront us by each one reaching one or two or more– enlisting neighbors, friends, and family to engage in. This is a crucial time, perhaps the turning point in our lives in this County.
The Randallstown NAACP believes it is critical for citizens who have the right to vote, do vote. The right to vote is paramount in ensuring we have a free, just, and democratic society. We are fighting to ensure anyone eligible to vote does not have their franchise infringed upon. We are fighting against all voter suppression efforts.
The Randallstown NAACP continues to promote economic growth and eliminate racial economic disparities through advocating equal employment opportunities, homeownership, diversity recruitment, financial empowerment and building wealth within communities of color. We remain committed to collaborating with organizations, government agencies, houses of worship, and others where there is a common interest for freedom, justice, and equity.