“If we, as Americans, assure that no man is denied any right of citizenship because he is dark of skin or worships his God in a different place or was born elsewhere, then democracy can never be destroyed. But we also know that human freedom must be in the hearts of men and not solely on paper.”

If you believe that you have been the target of discrimination and want the assistance of the Randallstown NAACP, you should file a complaint as soon as possible. In most circumstances, the time for complaint filing may be limited to as little as 180 days from the date of the discriminatory incident. The Randallstown NAACP cannot help with your civil rights complaint until all required forms have been completed and returned; Thorough completion of this form will help to expedite the handling of your complaint. The sheer volume of complaints received prevents the NAACP from pursuing every matter. If you have an urgent civil rights complaint, you may also wish to directly contact an attorney for representation.
The Randallstown NAACP Branch is not a law firm, does not have a staff of attorneys, and does not give legal advice. At the most we can investigate your complaint and/or refer you to the proper agency/authority/attorney to handle your complaint. We do not take complaints over the phone or without the completed complaint form. We will only investigate or make referrals for complaints that are for violations within our purview – civil and human rights violations or discriminatory in nature.
Please be advised that filing a discrimination complaint with the NAACP does not mean that the NAACP Randallstown Branch will be representing you in any legal matter. If you believe you have a discrimination claim, you must file a claim with the appropriate State or Federal agency in a timely manner. Failure to do so may prevent you from pursuing a claim in a court of law.
The Randallstown Branch features two complaint forms: one for discrimination and civil rights and another for education discrimination matters involving student(s). Forms must be completed by adults and parents respectively.
If you have a Legal Redress, Civil/Human Rights or Discrimination complaint for which you desire assistance from Randallstown Branch, please click on the appropriate link below to download the form.
General Discrimination Complaint
Education Discrimination Complaint
After completion, you should mail the form to Randallstown NAACP Branch, P.O. Box 731, Randallstown, MD 21133. Be sure to write “Confidential” on the envelope.

Maryland Commission on Civil Rights
If you believe that you have been the victim of discrimination in employment, housing, public accommodations, or state contracts because of your race, color, religion or creed, sex, age, ancestry or national origin, marital status, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information (employment only), familial status (housing only), and/or source of income (housing only), you may file a complaint of discrimination DIRECTLY with the Maryland Commission on Civil Rights.
Complaints of employment must be filed within 300 days of the alleged unlawful incident. Complaints of housing discrimination must be filed within one year of the alleged unlawful incident, and complaints of public accommodations discrimination must be filed within six (6) months of the alleged unlawful incident.
To obtain information about filing an official complaint with the Maryland Commission on Civil Rights, click on link or contact 410-767- 8600.