“If you believe in fighting racism, you make a commitment for the rest of your life. There’s no getting off that train. You can’t say, ‘I’ve put five years in fighting racism and now I am finished.’ No, you are not finished. Our job is to fight it every day, to continue to shove it down and when it rises up to shove it down even harder.”
Renew your membership to fight racial disparities that are still so prevalent in American education, jobs, housing, health care, and criminal justice systems. By renewing a membership with one of the lifetime membership options, you can solidify your commitment to the mission and your fellow activists. Renew or upgrade to a Silver, Gold, or Diamond Life membership today by downloading and completing the PDF or filling-in the form below. If you wish to provide annual installments for your Lifetime Membership, please print and submit your application via the PDF form. Do not proceed with this electronic application. Please note that membership purchases for this organization are not deductible for federal income tax purposes as charitable contributions.